Few things in the art business are really finished after yous put terminal touches on your artwork. Your opening reception is no different. You want your show to be a success—and that ways putting the same care and thought into your issue equally yous did the artwork itself.

Wait … at present nosotros are telling you lot that you have to be an consequence planner, too?

Don't fret! Knowing what to prepare for—before, during, and later on the show—tin can ensure that your opening night is a success.


i. Work With Your Gallery

Start by reaching out to your gallery. Pin down exactly what they need from y'all to promote the opening and what deadlines they might accept.

This is also the time to get questions answered. For case, the PhotoShelter Blog suggests asking questions like, "How many pieces do yous typically sell on opening dark?" and "Does the gallery usually concenter first-time art buyers or experienced collectors?"

The answers volition help you prepare expectations and know what to set up for your opening.

ii. Promote, Promote, Promote

You tin't sell whatever artwork if no one knows you are having an opening. So take to your email list, send invitations, and share all the details with your fans on social media.

TIP: Use the marketing materials the gallery has already created! There's no need to create your own materials if the gallery has already put in the time and try to brand a Facebook outcome or flyers, explains the PhotoShelter Web log.

Another great marketing outlets you can turn to are the "Arts and Customs" section of your local newspaper, classified ads, or even the newspaper'due south website suggests artist Lori McNee. Endeavour reaching out to local artist publications, related artist organizations, or even online event calendars you can submit to in your area—annihilation that will become the discussion out about your opening.

iii. Go Up-To-Appointment

Whether you need to spruce up your artist bio or your inventory on Artwork Archive requires updating, it's of import to go everything up to speed earlier you accept the attention of a agglomeration of potential buyers. This means checking to make sure all the links on your website work properly, photos of your artwork are in focus, your social media profiles look good, and more.

4. Print and Prepare

Get fix for the effect by printing out all the necessary materials to have on mitt. Copies of your resume and artist statement should be stocked near the door. Gallery labels, with the price of each piece, should be adhered to the wall next to your art. A guestbook and pen should be ready to collect the names and contact information of potential buyers in attendance.

You tin even take complimentary drinks and hors d'oeuvres fix out to welcome the guests who come. They'll capeesh the effort, and then they'll exist in a better mood to view your art!

5. Cursory Other Sellers

If the gallery has staff members assisting in selling your artwork during the opening, be sure to cursory them with a rundown of your career. This will help them to reply questions near your work and your accomplishments that could brand or break a auction.


6. Branch Out

While having friends and family present is great for calming nerves, don't forget that yous are there for one reason: to sell your piece of work. So, be certain to mingle with new people. Be on the lookout for those intrigued by your pieces. So, introduce yourself and run across if they have whatsoever questions. Just avoid hovering or pressuring anyone who doesn't seem keen on conversation.

vii. Perfect Your Answers

Yous never know who will exist interested in purchasing a slice. Bring your A-game when talking to the crowd by staying positive and passionate. Exist circumspect, but too get to the point with your answers. Stay genuine and focus on making authentic connections, but also make an attempt to browse for people who may want to speak with you. You don't want to miss opportunities to speak with every interested party.

Finally, practise talking about your experience and telling your art'south story. We can't stress enough how important it is to form these emotional connections with your potential buyers, and your story may be just the correct key to unlock the door.

8. Address the Press

From notable publications to enthusiastic bloggers, speak with whatsoever and all people who are willing to review your work. The more the word gets out well-nigh your work, the ameliorate. Being talked about is e'er a good thing.


9. Accomplish Out Once again

Call up that guestbook you set out? At present'southward the fourth dimension to use it! First, send your sincerest thank you's to everyone who took the fourth dimension to attend your opening. Then, get new contacts on your newsletter list then they can learn about other artwork, news, or events and yous tin make more sales.

ten. Update Artwork Archive

Need to print invoices? Looking to track which pieces were purchased and which are still in the gallery? Desire to record your new client'due south contact information before their business bill of fare gets lost?

Y'all can do all of this and more than on Artwork Archive, so the success of your fine art business concern continues long afterward your gallery showing.

The lesser line?

The fundamental to a successful art opening is being prepared—before, during, and later the bear witness. Pounce on all of the dandy opportunities you have to make a sale, let your passion show, and your opening is sure to exist a success.

Acquire how to get above and across for an extra shot at gallery success. Bank check out "5 Pro Tips for Getting into a Gallery."